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Asparagus / アスパラガス

Asparagus is a perennial plant of the lily family. The place of origin is the eastern Meditem anean area and the Asia Minor. Favoring a mild and cool climate, it is a plant of the temperate zone and can be grown well under Taiwan’s weather condition. Asparagus is a low-fat, highprotein, high-class vegetable, rich in minerals, vitamins A, C, B1, B2, and carotene.
It is thought that asparagus can cool the body, help urination, relieve fatigue, restore energy, lower the blood pressure, and prevent cerebral hemorrhage, etc. Asparagus can be served fresh or made into asparagus juice. In Taiwan, asparagus can be served fresh or made into asparagus juice. In Taiwan, asparagus juice has been deeply loved by the people and never replaced by a wide variety of other drinks. A certain number of sales is still maintained every year.

ユリ科の多年生作物白アスパラガス、小アジア、性的ハイ温凉気候である温帯作物、台湾での気候で、地中海東部原産国などの野菜の上に、ミネラルが豊富で良い、アスパラガスタンパク、高脂肪の低されている可能性があります材料とA 、ビタミンCはB1 、 B2の、カロチン。



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