Watermelon / スイカジュース3
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Watermelon / スイカジュース

Watermelon is an annual herbaceous vine plant, Originating in the equatorial area of Africa, which favors a high-temperature climate. It came from middle Asia to the western area of mainland China in the 10th century. In the 18th century, watermelon was brought to Taiwan by the ancestors and has been planted in Taiwan for more than 200 years since then. After the restoration of Taiwan, the plantation area and consumption amount are on the rise yearly due to the improvement of species and planting skills.
Taiwan began the independent work of introducing and improving watermelon cultivars. Nowadays, species change very fast, and there are a wide variety of new watermelon cultivars on the market. Also, part of watermelons have been successfully exported to southeast Asia and mainland China. The watermelon dvinrs currently used of the beverage Market are big, red watermelons. In 1993, people in the beverage business predicted a good prospect of watermelon drinks and thus recommended us to produce pure watermelon juice.

スイカは一年草で、赤道アフリカ、高温度、 10アジアからの性的ハイに近い気候蔓性起源は中国の西部地域での工場世紀の初めに転移されると、台湾Kendong台湾、交差点の前に広がると、 18世紀の初めに200年以上の栽培の歴史、台湾の光復、改良品種と栽培技術の向上の結果として、後には栽培面積と消費は年々増加している。
種の急速な変化の結果として、市場は多くの種類、および本土南部の輸出市場は非常に好評東部、大きなスイカ赤いスイカの種類の現在の市場のため、 1993年スイカドリンク飲料業界の市場や、提案については楽観的でスイカジュースの生産会社。

Watermelon / スイカジュース 303257