Guava / グアバ 3

Guava / グアバ

Guava fruit is a tropical and sub-tropical juiceless fruit. It can be harvested all the year round in Taiwan. The man species for the processing purpose is the Chung-Sun guava fruit. Its fruit flesh and processed juice beverage are both white and foreign varieties. Its major production area is the central part of Taiwan, and the harvest period is between June and September.
Guava fruit is rich in vitamin C. Its content of water is about 74-87%, fruit flesh 13-26%, ash 0.5-1.0%,fat 0.4-0.7%,and protein 0.8-1.5%. The contents of vitamins B and A, iron, calcium, and phosphorus are also quite high. The organic acid content of guava fruit are citric acid, malic acid, succinic acid, tartaric acid, oxalic acid, and glycolic acid. As for the carbohydrates, it contains fructose, glucose, sucrose, and inositol. Regarding the amino acids, the content of aspartic acid is the highest. Some study showed that fresh guava juice could decrease the blood sugar of domestic rabbits and that guava leaves also could decrease the blood sugar of domestic rabbits. Based on the results of this study, it is presumed that guava can be made into the food product to improve the condition of diabetes patients.

グアバ果実の熱帯亜熱帯低果汁の特定、グアバ台湾省は生産の中国正月、図面中山品種を中心に処理することができるの果肉と果汁と白のは、完全に外国のリッチ牙ファン作られていますまた、主に南部に集中し、起源の中心地域は、 9月6日の中央地区は、夏と秋。

グアバグアバ果肉とビタミンCは、 1つの主要な機能は、約74 〜 87 %の水分含有量は、 13 〜 26 %が豊かな果実会計では、灰の0.5から1.0パーセント、石油0.4 〜 0.7 % 、 0.8から1.5パーセントを占めてタンパク質ビタミンB 、ビタミンA 、鉄分、カルシウム、リンなどの他のグループは、非常に、有機酸クエン酸、リンゴ酸、コハク酸、酒石酸、シュウ酸、グリコール酸含有量となる。糖、ブドウ糖、ショ糖、イノシトール、果糖としているアミノ酸のアスパラギン酸L形は最高。


Guava / グアバ 303215